Getting your home organized can be a big task. It’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start. There are a lot of tips, tricks, and guides (we’ve written a few ourselves), but organizing your home comes down to a few simple principles that can be used to organize every room in your house. Evaluate and plan When you start any project, y...

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Another holiday season has come and gone and we’re enjoying the start of a brand-new year. For many, it’s an annual tradition to resolve to eat healthier and exercise more (especially after the holiday indulgences!), save more money or learn a new skill. While you’re making plans for a new year, have you considered creating resolutions for your home? Here are...

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Fall cleaning is the new spring cleaning. With the change in the season, now is a great time to reorganize and clean your home. But what if you could clean your home just once more and then never have to clean it again? Japanese organizational consultant, Marie Kondo, makes that claim in her international bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The...

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