You know it’s a good thing to donate blood. People need transfusions every day across the country and someday you could be one of them. But some people don’t like giving blood. It gives them the chills just thinking about that needle going in and someone taking their blood- I mean, it’s their blood and they would like to keep it that way. Then the...

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A Turning Market

When a market is undergoing change, there is a time where the changes starts happening before we fully recognize that they are happening. The past 6 months have been full of change. We are the first to say we are astonished by the activity levels that we've seen and continue to see with our "Mrs. Hill" live chat service seeing significant increase in activity since ...

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The sales success from the past 6 months continues.  Last week we had 3 communities that were ready to sell out this year and now we're down to just 1, that's right just one community left to sell-out this year. Here’s the update on our communities that are getting ready to sell out (or just sold out!): Park Station has just 7 homes available.  Ow...

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LOST buying a home?

Have you ever noticed how on the ABC network show LOST, things seem to be going well, when all of a sudden Hurley finds the metal spaceship underground and becomes obsessed, Kate has debilitating flashbacks of her previous life, and Sayid gets caught in a primitive leg trap hanging upside down from a tree; all these things are interesting and captivating, but none of ...

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I thought I was the only parent in the Bay Area helping their adult kids buy homes, now I find I am not alone. We as parents want our children and especially our grandchildren to live within easy visiting distance. Prices in the Bay Area make it hard for 1st time homebuyers to purchase and that’s where parents can come into play. (more…)......

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